Guangzhou Weiqian computer technology co., LTD.

The development of industrial tablet PCs promotes industrial intelligence

Release time: 2019-11-26 14:30:32  Hits: 173
With the development of computer and control technology, traditional industrial control technology has been gradually replaced by intelligent control technology. The development of intelligent industrial control system provides the strongest technical guarantee for the development of industrial field, and promotes the continuous innovation and development of enterprises. An effective way. China is the world's largest market for industrial tablet PCs, but it is not the market with the highest sales of industrial tablet products worldwide. In the domestic automation industry, some industries that did not use industrial tablet computers have begun to use industrial tablet computers. This shows that industrial tablet PCs have become an indispensable part of the customer experience. The user interface of industrial tablet PCs can better reflect the equipment. And the state of the process, and through the visual and touch effects, bring a more intuitive experience to the customer.
Some machinery industries, such as machine tools, textile machinery, electronic equipment and other industries, have developed in China for decades. They are relatively mature industries. In the long run, these industries still have equipment upgrades. demand. In this upgrade process, there are indeed some small manufacturers that have been using relatively low-end products, but many companies have repositioned their needs during the equipment update process to find those that can meet their development plans. Equipment suppliers that help them improve their productivity.
In view of this demand, the changes in industrial tablet PCs will change in shape, concept, and application, which will bring about the revolution of the core technology of industrial computer. In general, the future development trend of industrial tablet PCs is six modernizations: platform embedding, brand nationalization, equipment intelligence, interface fashion, communication network and energy conservation and environmental protection.
Intelligent industry: It integrates various types of terminals with environmental awareness, ubiquitous technology-based computing models, and mobile communication into all aspects of industrial production, greatly improving manufacturing efficiency, improving product quality, and reducing product cost and resource consumption. Promote traditional industries to a new stage of intelligence. In general, the realization of intelligent industry is based on the penetration and application of Internet of Things technology, and combined with advanced manufacturing technology in the future to form a new intelligent manufacturing system.
The traditional industrial automation control system mainly includes three levels, namely, a device layer, a control layer, and an information layer. The function of the device layer is to connect the field device to the field bus network in the form of a network node. According to the protocol standard of the field bus, the device adopts the structure of the function module, and completes data acquisition, A/D conversion through configuration design. Digital filtering, temperature and pressure compensation, PID control and other functions; the control layer is the basis of automation, obtaining data from field devices, performing various functions such as monitoring, alarm and trend analysis of control parameters, and the functions of the control layer are generally It is completed by controllers such as industrial computers or PLCs. These controllers have network capabilities to coordinate data communication between network nodes, and also to connect fieldbus network segments to Ethernet segments. The third layer of information layer provides remote control. The platform is connected to the enterprise automation system while extracting relevant production data from the control layer for making comprehensive management decisions.
From another perspective, the Internet of Things can make the so-called vision of automation and informationization more integrated, and the automation industry has long been moving toward the goal of informationization. Under the foundation of the Internet of Things, the original traditional C The /S (Client/Server) architecture can be converted into a B/S (Browser/Server) architecture for a wider range of applications in manufacturing, intelligent building, new energy, environmental monitoring, and device control. Specifically, if the automated data is not integrated through the message, the average user can't use it. Similarly, if there is only the information function, but the lack of automated content, it is also useless, both are indispensable.

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